I once stumbled on Matt Mullenweg (founder of Automattic, the company behind WordPress) personal website and were wowed by its domain name: ma.tt. It’s so simple, so creative, so easy to remember, so good of a personal branding, and most of all, so awesome! Since that very moment I’ve been wanting to have such domain: sig.it.
After doing some researches, I knew the .tt domain belongs to the Trinidad and Tobago region, so, it must be registered via well-established registrars that provide international domain registration. The problem was, I didn’t know any, as up to this moment my clients are local. Until one day, I accidentally browsed and found GoDaddy. I searched for the .it domain, and it was there! Then I tried to register sig.it. What really suck was that domain name has already registered to some Italian company. I must think of something else. I thought of using .tn (Sigit N, hence, sigi.tn), but I couldn’t find a provider for the Tunisia domain. Thank God an epiphany (really?) came unto me and made me think of another name: jbsig.it. So, here we go, a new personal website with a cool domain name that I’ve been dreaming: jbsig.it. Enjoy folks! :)
ada gak ya .ga (dot ga) krn gua pngn bikin hel.ga
anyway, good u find it. yes huruf depannya pake je! :p
hahaha..ada jil! Tapi ga tau bisa reserve domain name pake .ga ga..hehe..