Few days ago I received an email from my colleague whose subject: “Earth Hour: First Time in Indonesia”. I was curious what’s inside and started reading it. And I really liked the content which is about Earth Hour. Earth Hour is a movement of millions people all around the world to turn the lights off on the same local time for an hour. In Indonesia, Jakarta especially, this movement will take place on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 20.30 – 21.30. Then I googled the words and found its website with also a local link here. From the first time I read the email, I said to myself, “Oh for sure I’m doing this.” Then I watched a video in the website, the official video for this year Earth Hour. You know what, it’s so friggin’ touching…Here it is.
So, here I am, stated myself to participate, to make a difference, to take a stand, to save the earth. Let’s put the event on your calendar, set a reminder, so you too, can save the earth. I believe turning off lights for only one hour will neither give you any bad luck nor cost you any loss. Instead, you may would have given a better future for us, for your children, and for the earth.
Salam Tampan,
Sigit Ganteng
great idea, Miss! I’m in ;)
Let’s do this on weekly basis ! so every saturday night remember to shut your light for an hour or something ^^.
seperti yang aku blg putri, kesadaran masing2..kan ada orang2 yang ga pengen ikutan gini2an :)
kenapa g plnnya aja yah sekalian
yg nyabut arusnya
kan enak tuh
tapi sebelumnya mustinya pln udah bilang2 sih
kesadaran masing2 juga sih ya ^^
Kalo matiin lampu idupin tv and ac gmn….
Gw memprediksikan bkl byk yg kyk gt….
Kasian bumi kita :(
baru lewat resto tadi pagi, ada poster nya dipasang di pos satpam..mudah2an insan2 PU ikut meramaikan event ini ^^
manteb..cisco ikutan…PU kok g ikut y??
WWF = World Wrestling Federation??
Jadi teringat ama Smack Down! Argh!!
sama, dari kantor dapet email juga
“This year, Cisco will be turning off non-essential lights in many of our buildings. You can participate by turning off your computer monitors and the lights in your work space before you leave at the end of the week on Friday, March 27, 2009.
Together, we can come together as one and make a huge impact on this global effort! For more information visit the Earth Hour website http://www.earthhour.org/ “
oh masuk TV ya des?kalo orang jktnya kaya kita sih, mau2 aja :D
Baru liat ternyata di tv jg ada iklannya..
oleh WWF ma Sharp..
(didukung oleh bnyk artis)
Kira2 org jakarta pada mau ga y?
gmna dengan mal2 dan perkantoran??